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Common Questions & Their Answers

Where is WHC Elkhart?
World Harvest Church, north-central Indiana’s premier venue for the performing arts, at 1610 S. Nappanee St. in Elkhart. A map at which you can create driving directions from your location is here. If you’re on the road and need help finding WHC, the facility’s phone number is (574) 862-3776.

When are services held?
Sunday services are held at at 10 a.m. and Midweek services begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Is Pastor Parsley involved in this church, or are you just using his name?
Pastor Rod Parsley will preach live via satellite from WHC Columbus for our Sunday services, unless his schedule doesn’t permit his presence. He preaches at WHC Elkhart as much as he possibly can.

What do you have for kids?
Our intent is to have the most family-friendly church in Elkhart, so young children can experience God in a way that makes sense for them and so their parents can worship Him without distraction or concern for their kids' safety. Our children's ministry is called Kid Harvest Clubhouse. We offer a nursery (birth-age 3), preschool (age 3-kindergarten) and junior church (grades 1-6) for every service.

Our trained teachers are dedicated both to your children’s safety and to ministering the Gospel to them.

How else can I get involved in the ministry of WHC Elkhart?
WHC Elkhart is the newest outreach founded and led by Pastor Rod Parsley, one of America’s foremost Christian leaders. As part of this new congregation, you can get involved in outreaches of a ministry with a 30-year track record, including a television program broadcast worldwide, a Christian school, a Bible college and a pro-life medical clinic for women.

To get involved in the local body of believers in Elkhart, simply call (574) 307-7133 and one of our staff members will be delighted to help you find an area where you can get plugged in and begin being a servant leader.
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